Legendary Hats for women who are already part of the history of cinema and fashion. Each one is special, as their hats, and today I want to pay tribute to them in my fashion blog. Which one do you like most to you? To me certainly the last one... First photo: Samantha Jones In 'The Sex And The City Movie'
Sombreros legendarios para mujeres que ya forman parte de la historia del cine y de la moda. Cada una de ellas es especial, como sus sombreros, y hoy quiero rendirles homenaje en mi blog de moda. ¿Cuál de ellos te gusta más a ti? A mi sin duda el de la última foto... Por cierto que en la primera tenemos a Samantha Jones de 'Sexo en Nueva York'
Brigitte Helm's Yoshiwara Costume from 'Metropolis'
Carmen Miranda In 'The Gang’s All Here'
Elsa Schiaparelli's Shoe Hat
Marlene Dietrich's Top Hat
53 comentarios :
Me encantan los sombreros...inolvidable el de Samantha!
"Little Black Dress + Red Fur Coat: Juana Martín…Noche de Reyes" en:
jejeje el de sexo en NY es total
¡Qué bonita tu nueva cabecera! Estás espectacular.
very nice post! :)
el de samantha es genial!!!
un besazo, Bárbara
Muito lindo el primero :)
me gusta esta tendencia
Te espero en mi blog
Mira mi último y nuevo post look!
un besito enorme!!!
Ohh el de zapato es super original pero muy arriesgado ;)
Un besito :)
de Estilo de una Princesa Low Cost
Great post!
Maybe we can follow to each other? :)
Me gustan el primero y el último, aunque de llevarlos yo, con un fedora me vale.
Un beso!
Hello, thanks so much for stopping by my blog and saying hello!
Of course we can follow each other, I’m following you now on GFC (number 859) so now it’s your turn to follow back!
Have a great day,
The Shoe Hat is so unusual and ironic, I love it haha. Nice post :)
Would you like to follow eachother? Let me know :)
me ha encantado el post, soy fan de los sombreros!!!
Very interesting post, thank you!
Will follow each other? My blog- irinasenina.blogspot.com
great post!
new post
Que belleza de sombreros!!besos
Vaya belleza de sombreros!!besos
What a great post! I love it, and I love hat indeed :)
Karina Dinda R. ♥
These are pretty funny hats :D
Menuda pamela la prrmera, burtal¡¡¡ El zapato me da un pcoo de miedo la verdad :)
guauuu vaya sombreros me encantan!! son una prenda imprescindible
muchisimos besos y feliz miercoles
I love the second one, it's amazing!
Hey! Thanks for your comment on my blog, I am following you via GFC as you asked so please return the favour :)
Qué gracioso el sombrero en forma de zapato, nunca lo había visto jajaja.
Gracias por pasarte, un besito :)
The top hat is my favorite legendary hat on this list.
the first one is my favourite!
join my GIVEAWAY dear, win 200$ worth dress!! http://styleoutbyjasmina.blogspot.com/2014/01/dressale-giveaway-nagradjivanje.html
El pamelón de Samantha siempre me ha encantado y creo que añadiría la pamela blanca y negra de Audrey Hepburn en My Fair Lady.
Besos y feliz año!!
Me ha gustado mucho el post, sobre todo en el mundo del cine y la televisión a habido sombreros y accesorios de cabeza con muuuucha relevancia.
El de Samantha es.. ¡Siempre he querido una pamela así!
Un beso,
El de Sam me flipa y la escena en la que sale con el es brutal XD
A mí sin duda el de Samantha, aunque es una pamela GIGANTE jaja
These are some interesting, yet a little strange... for hats... cool though :)
the ridiculously large beach hat is definitely a favorite!
Chic on the Cheap
Followed you, waiting for you to do the same)
love the hats <3
I love hats!
followed u
I love to wear hats!Great post and very interesting choices!That shoe hat is so extravagant and interesting!
Love these hats!
Laura. xx
oh my! cool hat!
adorable :D
Great post! Your blog is very cool! We can follow each other?)
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Follow you back, dear! Thank you! <3
Hola: me quedo con la super pamela que lleva Samantha Jones... me encanta y me parece muy elegantes... me acuerdo de la que llevó la infanta Elena a la boda de su hermana...
Hat Samantha loved! Great post!
Really nice post !
This is such an interesting post, loved Carmens hat and the classic top hat of course!
Very unique hats!
http://www.beautyandthemist.com/">Beauty and the Mist
El de Samanta es total jaja.
great pieces
My Lyfe ; My Story
@MyLyfeMyStory ♥ ♥
haha···funny hat
maybe we can do like this to lead the different fashion trend
Love your style totally, shall we follow each other and share beauties to each, Hope to be your friend soon Pls post more! I love comment and browse blogs I followed!
Pls leave a message if u follow me , i will follow back soon~
I love Samantha's hat! It's so glam and stylish, although I'm pretty small so I don't know if I'd be able to pull it off. It would be more like the hat was wearing me!
I'm so glad I found your blog! If you'd like to follow each other, I'd be happy to keep in touch! Just let me know on my blog :)
Que belleza ese oversize de la inconsumible Samanta Jones!!
What a great post! Hat Samantha loved!
Following you in GFC, FB and bloglovin! :) Would really appreciate if you do the same, my dear! Lovely blog!! However the FB link didn't seem to work well, but I'm checking it again later.
I really hope we keep in touch :)
Samantha is amazing! Who else could wear such a humongous hat so effortlessly?
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