Who we are?
- Tupersonalshopperviajero is a creative, bilingual, lifestyle blog focused on a personal experience. Travel, beauty and fashion are the essence of this space that shares with readers/followers. A truly guide to a real experience. We only publish articles on products, places and experience we have enjoyed.
- Pilar Bernal Maya (Blog Editor and Public Face). Journalist on/offline, Copywritter, Social Media Optimizacion and SEO. She worked for over 12 years in a Company, taking responsibility for the internal/external communications and media relationship as well as managing the corporate website. Usually she’s invited to write lifestyle tips for 'El Viajero' El País and other magazines as Ronda Iberia (pp. 55-62) or Paladar y Tomar. Personal Shopper Assistant and Fashion Stylist on Tupersonal-shopper.com.
- David Sánchez Núñez (Blog Photographer). Graphic designer in El País for 28 years, photographer of 'El Viajero' El País and instagramer --> Dasanun
Mission and Vision
- In the blog you will find trips through Europe, North Africa and America. We travel with the idea of creating personalized trips, charming places to enjoy that include: accommodation, local gastronomy, shopping experiences, vintage shops. Packing tips, what to wear (depending on places you travel) and everything related to healthy living: vegan food, natural cosmetics, natural supplements that fill the gaps or stress that a change of schedules or habits can generate. The images and content (Spanish/English) are always ours.
- This is not a blog oriented to the backpacker traveler but looks for the savings in each experience. Our readers/followers are people who like to travel and take care of themselves, who have an ecological conscience and when they buy fashion/beauty/travel look for the exclusive, which does not always have to be synonymous of the most expensive. We receives numerous comments and messages by e-mail, the blog influences to travelers to decide the destination of their next trip.
If you want to promote your product or brand through reviews and advertising in this blog specialized in fashion, travel and beauty. Look the following options:
Advertising. If you want to advertise a destination, product or brand in my blog it is possible through actions in RRSS, post sponsored, banners.
- Reviews. I test the product to later write a candid and objective review on it, in addition to disseminating it in the social networks of greater impact.
- Content Marketing. Access new clients, improving brand awareness or search engine positioning in two ways: through sponsored posts published in my blog or by creating content in corporate blogs, all always oriented to the lifestyle.
Advertising. If you want to advertise a destination, product or brand in my blog it is possible through actions in RRSS, post sponsored, banners.

- Blogtrips and Tourism Offices: Malta, France, Portugal, Andalusia, Barcelona, Soria, United Kingdom, New York, Galicia, Baltic Republics, Croatia, Sweden, Italy...
- Agencies and companies: Perfecto4U, Luxury Wood Watch by Jord, GoEuro, Airbus, AirFrance Panamá Jack, Lima & Limone, Salud&You, Rosewholesale, Zaful, Le Secret du Marais, Zalando, GoEventos, Replica.es...
- Hotels and Restaurants: EcorkHotel (Alentejo), Cooking and Nature Emotional Hotel (Centro Portugal), Ibis Málaga (Spain), Restaurante-bodega J' Go, Hotel Saint Sernin Toulousse (France), Bodegas Tradición Jerez (Spain)…
Featured on:

Lifestyle Blog Tupersonalshopperviajero : 6 destinos de moda Sierra de Huelva por @shopperviajero
Artículo completo: https://tupersonalshopperviajero.blogspot.com/2018/06/6-destinos-de-moda-sierra-de-huelva.html
Vía: @shopperviajero

Entrevista en Coobis: http://coobis.com/cooblog/tu-personal-shopper-viajero-un-blog-de-moda-belleza-y-viajes-creado-por-una-mujer-de-lo-mas-normal-shopperviajero/

Mi aportación en ¿Mejora tu imagen un móvil caro? Puede ser ‘cool’, pero no olvides qué... vía @HojaDeRouter
Entrevista en http://tourismeseville.blogspot.com.es


Entrevista en Bloggmoda

Entrevista en el blog de Eugenia Andino
Diario de Sevilla. Moda Julio 2013
Cambio de look en la Revista SouthChic, pp. 16 y 17. Julio 2013
Magazine Digital Chocolate Azul "Mejora tu imagen con una Personal Shopper". 12 Junio 2013
Revista Telva. Junio 2013
Andalucia.es de Canal Sur TV "Moda en Internet". Diciembre 2012
Noviembre 2012
Revista Marie Claire. Septiembre 2012
Diario de Sevilla. Julio 2012
Diario de Sevilla. Julio 2012
El Correo de Andalucía. Julio 2012
Digital de la Sierra Sur Sevilla. Mayo 2012
Revista Escaparate de Sevilla. Julio 2011
Diario de Córdoba. "Blogtrip a Baena, Córdoba" Marzo 2011
SouthChic Magazine, pp. 6-7 Julio 2011
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